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A member registered Jan 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Does anyone know the answer to kity's 4th riddle. The one about multiplying sperm, nothing is working for me.

I really liked the game but... I did the quest for Jenny and now whenever I try to get the test answers for Jenny, the H-scene plays. Maybe when you go into the room you should get an option or something.

Im trying to get the tentacle slime, but I dont know how. When you have sex with the monster and get its slime all over you it does nothing. Anyone know what to do?

I know it's probably my fault but does anyone know why I cant hear anything? It's kind of weird when it's so silent.

Its perfect,  cant wait for more.

Great game, cant wait for updates. Other than bugs, thats the worst part about new games

Im stuck on the "Talk to the blue hair boy" quest. Where do I even find him?

How long does it take to make her comfortable? Its so grindy just head patting.

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I've played both and they're great. I love the music and the style of the game, what about u?

Love the game, I was sooooo pissed when it said to be continued. Cant wait for the next update!

I have no idea how to get food. Going out only lets me go on a walk/

Im probably being dumb but, how do you eat? I buy food from the store and turn on auto-feeding but apparently there is nothing in the fridge to eat. I did the tutorial and as far as I remember this was not in it.

Thanks anyway, I think I've figured it out now.

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I know i'm probably just being dumb but how  do you access the "light events"?  I'm trying to progress the story and I need  to do one of these events to do so.